Thursday, December 3, 2009

picture selection

Currently busy selecting pictures from the trip to be upload on my facebook n blog...

Tapi yg sebenanye takde la busy mane pun, saje saje pretend busy,hahahahahah... yg penting saya mcm melepaskan gian mengadap internet..Facebook jangan cakapla, 10 minit je update and saya tak penah close pun facebook unless mase nk tido,hehehe..Gian tahap ape pun tak tahu la ni..Tu tak kire lagi mengupdate blog2 org laen..Pastu skang ni dh ade satu lg obsession..Yang ni rahsia, tak bley bgtau..this is my major secret rite now, n this time around i am serius towards this, no more angan2 mat jenin..I am working for it n i must achieve it...InsyaALLAH..

Basically lepas je balik aritu, saya attend Kem Robotik Kebangsaan..Actually saya cikgu pengiring je, so takde la input sgt pun, and disebabkan tu, me n my team mates lebih banyak merayap kt shoping complex rather than stuck on the camp,hahahha..We just attended the briefing, the post mortem, and next year competition discussion..Yang laen kami skip, yang pasti cikgu team N9 la paling byk hilang mase kem 3 ari tu and luckily our students were good enough to take care of theirself..heheheh

Skang ni tgh penin select gambar from the trip, ade 3 folder from 3 different cameras..a bit ssh la nk decided since tak nak upload byk2 kn..tapi sumer gambar cantik2...Ceh PERASANNN,hahahahaha....

Nanti bile dh abis pilih gambar br saya buat review about my holiday okay..u'll gonna be amazed on how lovely kiryu is n how i felt in love with kiryu..even my mom pun suke sgt gambar2 mase saya kt kiryu tu,heheheheh...

owh yaaa, tomorrow i'm going back to Gemas..Just for one night, to settled all my works there.Malas nk balik sebenanye, tapi dh terpaksa kn..Lagipun malam esok nk celebrate birthday Fouz kt sane.. And sepatutnye balik Gemas with Lan's new car, tapi takde rezeki plak nk naek Vios TRD yg baru tu since die ade kursus kt UKM plak.. Tapi takpe ttp puas hati sbb dh berjaya merasmikan keta baru die aritu,yg tak puas hatinye sbb ddk blakang mase tu,hahahhaha...

This sunday as usual lunch with my cousins..Macam biase updatessss,heheheeh....

Mmmmmhh..ape lg ek????
Thats all kot..

till then

take off with love

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