Saturday, August 1, 2009

..30 th July 1985..

It was the day where i was born.. And now i am here at the age of 24....

Saya bersyukur tuk semua yang telah sy lalui sepanjang 23 tahun ni... Terasa begitu sekejap sahaja..Saya masih ingat lagi ketika menyambut birthday sy yg ke-21, terasa macam br shj semlm menymbutnya dan kini yg ke-24 plak... Sesungguhnya masa berlalu dgn pantas.. Dan pada umur umur 24 thn ni sy berharap untuk yang lebih baik. I hope i can think more wisely n become a strong person, n become more responsible.. Saya cukup bersyukur untuk semua yg ada di sekeliling saya..Alhamdullilah..


Nothin much, i got a few wishes from my family n my close friend... My housemate bought me a cake, so mlm tu kitorg potong cake 2 org je la sbb she planned to cut the cake at school tp yg kelakarnya i puasa,hehehe..Disebabkan cake tu bsr, so the next day kene jugak bwk g sekolah la..hehehe...

Yg special skali..... my car turn one year old on the same day....hehehe..Kebetulan plak....

......................Layan je la ek gambar2 ni...................

Dh potong cake br igt nk ambik gambar,hihihi...

See, i told u...
we even share the same birthday tau!!!!

Last year birthday present from my parents,hehehe...
This year takde ok,hahaha...

from my along,hehehe...

p/s : From my love one??????

Take off with love

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