Monday, April 5, 2010

While waiting....

Inilah yang kitorg buat sepanjang beberapa hari berkampung kat IJN.

Disebabkan semua orang nk berkeadaan ceria so kitorg pun menceriakan diri ngan kerja-kerja tak berfaedah ni,heheheh..

Not much...Just a few picture of me, Adek n Bai.

Owh yes Kak E we miss u a lot here. And this is especially for u! Our little madness on Sunday evening,hihihihih....

Our normal picture...heheheh

So, today saya MC. Berkampung lagi kt IJN. Arini Busu buat bypass. She went to the OT around 1pm. And now we are still waiting for her. Mudahan semuanya selamat. Ameeennnn...

1 comment:

Deena.T said...

My mum told me everything went fine, alhamdulillah. Just hoping that she recovers well now. Rye said it might take a while for her to fully recover, so she has to rest well!