Monday, October 19, 2009

Mode : kawennnn

Hahahahahha... Jangan terkejut, saya belum nk berkahwen lagi..

Disebabkan mood saya tersangat la baik mlm ni,so sy tersangat la rajin nk update blog ni..

Baiklah..baiklah..sambung balik cerita...

Ni nk cite skit pasal one of my fren yg kawen last weekend..Well, both bride n groom (Mok n Lutfi) were my frens back in gontam.. Panjang kisah cinta dorg ni, tapi yg sy igt setakat sekolah je la, pastu lame x contact, alih2 mase gathering bukak pose aritu dorg bg kad jemputan.. All i can say is, they are such a lovey dovey sweetty little pie couple,hehehehe..SANGAT JELES OKAYYYY!!!! (pehal smpai nk bold ni???)

Tapi yg tak puas atinye, dorg dh curi my colour theme,huhuhuhu...perasan ko Sha, mcm la nk kawen bln depan,ceitttttt...Perasan perasan.. heheheh..

Theme : Red n White..Sangat gorgeous..Sumpah..Instead choosing Deep Red or Deep Maroon, they choosed Chili red n the result sangat overwhelming..Takdela pedih mate pun tgk(sory mok, no offense, aku puji lg ade la ni,hehehehe..) n it turn outs to be good, sangat cantik..Okay2, paham dah, mmg cantik Sha..Mentang2 colour idaman kalbu ko, bukan maen promote lagi.cube colour hijau,sure ko dh menyumpah seranah kn,hahahahahah..(sape2 jangan terasa okay, hijau is sooo not mee...) Bukan cakap cmni sbb sy suke colour ni, tp mmg color combination tu sgt menjadi...Lagipun saya rase colour ni tgh "in" skang ni..Bak kate Kak AMie la.. I was jatuh cinta when i first saw Kak Amie's Wedding photo..Red n white jugak... But for me, i probably twist a liltle bit, tak mau la same je kn...Tapi itu sumer ade laaa RAHSIA... Baiklah Sha, tak paham kenape beria2 sgt ngan colour2 ni.. Nak kawen dh ke???? Dh ade org dtg meminang ke smpai nk berangan smpai cmni??? Pirahhhhh... Bf pun tak lepas lg, dh berangan mcm2,hihihihi....... Sila kumpul duit dulu ye kalo nk Man Kajang or Citra..huishhh..

Malas nk cite pjg,layan je la gambar ek,hehhehe.... (credit to machit..)

Bride n groom..

comeynye korg,ehehehe..

ladies of eightyfivers

some of eightyfivers yg dtg..

chip n dale

rumateku mase form 1

me n my besties Taro

okayla... Thats all..Byk lg picture..Tapi sumer kt facebook, tak kuasa nk upload byk2..Ni pun sumer gambar yg rembat dr fb Machit...Gambar dlm my own camera still tak transfer lagi.. Tu kan my bad habit...Pemalas,hahahahhaah...

Till then

take off with love

ps : Kan dh kate mood sy skang sgt entry pun best2 je semua,hehehheeh...

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