Wednesday, June 3, 2009

...Reward for myself....

mmmmh..aku dh stat bercuti for two weeks..sangat la happy but i still need to settle all my works.. Yg tu x best sbb aku igtkan nk bercuti sakan la without thinking anything bout school.. N my works sangat la banyak,huhuhu... Badan aku pun dh stat skt2 ni, thinking of goin to a spa, mesti best, dpt relax skit,heheheh...Tggu sumer keje siap, br i pegi, kirenye reward for myself la,hehehhe..

I was once remembered when my lecturer told us "everytime you got your monthly salary don't ever scared to spend on it, gave yourself a reward for your hardwork, indulged yourself with things that you like and take it as a reason for u to work hard next time. Sometimes it doesn't need to be somethin that is expensive, just anything that can make u happy n satisfied at the same time."

Well, ape yg my lecturer ckp ni, i still igt smpai skang n i ikut ocayyy,hehehhe... For me, its true.. U already work hard siang n mlm n u deserved to make yourself happy kn..Treat yourself on somethin that u like, that u keep on dreaming each n every night..

Kalo ikutkn sape yg x sayang duit kn..Dh penat2 keje, pastu senang2 nk g belanje duit tu on some expensive things kn.... Well i'm not that type of person...I am a shopaholic, n i ni mcm ade satu sifat x reti syg duit bile nk beli somethin..That is my problem.. Everytime i nmpak somethin, i rase nk beli.. N to make it worse, kalo i dh set kt mind, i want to buy somethin today, i x kn keluar dr shopping cmplex if i x beli ape2..Giler x??? So, to make it safe, i slaloo set kt mind, arini kite window shopping je..Tapi normally end up, beli jugak,hehehhe.. Slaloonye kalo i dh berkenan, i just ambik n x pk pjg,kdg2 harga pun x tgk..heheh..

Mcm last week, i lalu dpn kedai Primavera, then i nmpak satu wedges yg cntik, i pusing n trus try, i ask for my size n i like it very much, n trus baya,..I rase mcm x smpai 5 minit je i dlm kedai tu, kuar dh bwk paperbag, yg dh lame kt dlm kedai tu pun x beli2 lg, dok try smpai 5, 6 kali..hehehhe...

So skang ni i tgh blaja nk manage my " bad attitude" ni,heheheh...Arap2 ade improvement.. N yg kelakarnye, my own brother pun ade attitude yg same mcm i ni,tp die lg teruk la, sbb tu die x kawen2 lg smpai skang,hehehe....

till then

take off with love

p/s : kan i ckp aritu nk g holiday kn..My father insist on going to Perth.. So i pun search la mcm2 pasal Perth..n i think it is an interesting places,hehehhe.. Jgn x tau, i dh cr hotel yg btl2 dpn die ade shopping complex,hahahhahaa...

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