Sunday, April 5, 2009


..aku rasa busan la sbb dok cite pasal teaching life aku je... Tapi selain bende tu aku nk cite pasal ape ek???? Ape lg option yg aku ade?? mmmmmmmmmmm..
  • nk cite pasal husband n anak?? aku blum kawen lg, perasan la kalo nk cite bende2 pk2 blk rase x saba plak,hahahha...tolong la!!!! Gedik nk mapos,hihihi..
  • nk cite pasal kwn2??? aku mcm dh xde kwn2 sejak abis uni ni...semua dh terpisah,huhu.. Kawan2 br plak biase2 je....xde ape nk stori pun...
  • nk cite pasal family?? Lately ni family aku xde buat aktiviti yg menarik la...Aku rase ktorg dh makin x rapat cm dulu lg..Still wondering knape..mayb semua bz kot... (maksud family kt sini my big family ok..)
  • nk cite pasal bf??? mmmmmh..Nothin interesting la lately ni...Relationship aku biase2 je..Ye la kn long distance relationship..paham2 je la,hehhe
  • nk cite pasal buku?? Mintak ampun la sgt2..buku Cecilia yg aku br beli aritu pun br 5 ms aku bace..Bley x??? Gile stress aku skang ni kn..Kalo slaloo tu jgn arap la,aku ni kalo dpt story books, nasi pun kdg2 aku x pandang tau selagi x khatam cite tu..PELIK..PELIK
  • nk buat movie review??? Jangan la kate movie review..Kalo sape2 tanye latest movie kt aku pun, aku mesti ternganga2 cm kerang busuk..Aku ni dok dlm hutan mane ntah gaknye..yg aku tau fast n furious 4 br keluar n this time aku dh wajibkan diri sendr g tgk kt wayang,sbb aku x penah miss collection cite nih,hehehe...Tp berjaya ke??? Kite tggu n lihat saje...hehehe..
Tu la hidup aku skang...Sangat busan n x interesting lgsg...Aku igt pasni x nk la cite pasal my teaching life lg..i'll try to story bout somethin else yg lebih menarik ocayyyy,hehehe...

Tomorrow, i'll start again my daily routine....i can't describe the feeling..mmmmhhh..Just hope that everythin gonna be just fine.

p/s : Last friday dpt jadual baru. Thank god this time around the time table berpihak kt aku...Hepy gile sbb at last aku dpt jugak ajar Fizik even dorg bg satu klas je..n my time table x stress sgt mcm sblm nih, the arrengement kire ok la jugak..Harap2 xde problem la pasni, even klas2 laen yg aku ajar x berubah..

p/s : Kepala dh stat pk pasal holiday... So, kene gerak strategi "search" la pasni,hehehe... Still thinking bout the perfect place to go,hehehe...sape yg baik hati n kaki travelling jugak, sila la bg cadangan..n of course i'm thinking of Aussie ( either Perth or Gold Coast), South Korea ( end of year sbb nk rase ala2 winter sonata konon,hahahha) n yang laen2 x terpikir lg,hehehe...

till then

take off with love,
illham shiraz


Mrs. Amie said...

tak nak boring, kawiinnn cpttt!! hehehe

illhamshiraz said...

i wish too...Tp tu la, si buah hati pengarang jantung sy tu x ready lg, duit x cukup maa,heheh..kene la tggu setaun dua lg,hehehe....