Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Saturday morning"

Missing someone is a part of loving them;

If you're never apart,
then you'll never know how strong your love really is.

"""""Some one asked me if I missed you.
I didn't answer.
I just closed my eyes and walked away.
And then I whispered,
So much.......

ps : I miss you!


Anonymous said...
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illhamshiraz said...

Heheheheheh...Emosi kurang stabil la lately ni.

Apesal senyap je. Dah abis menenangkan diri ke?

Aku sangat busy sekarang. BENCIII!

Anonymous said...

dalam proses menenangkan diri lagi.. huhu..

busy la bagus..kurang pikir benda bukan2..

illhamshiraz said...

Takde maknenye beb.. Sama je. Ni la hasil dari busy, memang bukan2 yg aku pikir.

ps : Aku dok pikir nk g Sabah je ni..Cmne???hehehhe..