Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Holiday Review...

...Sy tlh bercuti selama 2 mggu dan hasil yang sy dapati drpd 2 mggu ni adalah :

  • Berat semakin bertambah....Huarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! Ni semua sbb g holiday kt Melaka aritu..I ate a lot...The Seafood sgt la sedap plus the asam pedas Melaka....Uisssh
  • Kertas Exam x habis ditanda lg...I just don't know nape x siap2 smpai skang..Nk kate aku x tanda, dh semggu aku menanda, alih2 x siap jugak..Bengang btl...Tggu la blk sekolah br aku stat tanda blk, dh naik meluat dh tgk exam paper tu...Bkn dorg bley jwb pun solan fizik tu..Nyampah!!!
  • Hasrat di hati nk menghabiskan story book yg aritu..HARAMMMM... Jangan harap nk baca, x keluar pun dr beg...
  • Sy telah menghabiskan duit dgn byknye!!!! hehehhee...Konon nk berjimat cermat...Harap je la... I need someone la to control my money, kalo x, mesti i nk habiskan..i just can' help myself...Please rescue me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Saya akan berpindah ke rumah br isnin ni...Yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! Umah kt Gemas ocayyy.. The house is far more better than the previous one.... I love it eventhough the house a bit panas...i don't care as long as TOILET die ok..hehhehe..

So, tu la hasil bercuti selama 2 mggu....Rase mcm x nk je blk sane..Mls sungguh la, bley x nk cuti sethn, tp gaji jalan...muahahahahaha..... Serius la, berat rase ati ni nk mengadap blk anak2 murid yg kt sane..Dh terbayang dh perangai msg2...Huh, tu x msk lg kerenah org atasan, kerja yg berlambak...Adoiiiii... Nk kawen je la...Nk kawen anak raja..hahahahahahahah...

OK....Entry yg sangat la merapu,hehehehehe.... I need to get ready..Nk g kl, my cousin nikah mlm ni, gonna spend my weekend there, n on monday mornin off to Gemas..Be back on friday evening, and on saturday the wedding reception in seremban

till then

take off with love

1 comment:

Pak Chu Car (Apih) said...

haha cuti cuti best best !!!