Tuesday, March 24, 2009


so, back to the story...kitorg bertolak on saturday 14 Mac..Players lebih kurang 33 org, pegawai lebih kurang 10 org..tp 3 org je pengurus tuk handle semua players tu,yg laen coach.. At first mase dlm bas all the players buat dek je kt aku (even ms latihan pusat pun) but somehow lame2 dorg pun busan, dorg join la aku borak..Pas tu br dorg tau betapa gilernye aku ni sbenanye,hehehe...sejak dr tu aku rapat la ngan players2 tu, n they are totally amazing,hehehe..i'm gonna miss all of them!!!

Actually our team 'N9 Team' won 2 gold medals..Single P Under 12 and Double P Under 12.. Both won by young and talented Kisona S. and her partner Kelly Siow.. The silver medals won by Loh Weh Sheng for Single M Under 18 and Double M Under 12 which is Chen Tang Jie and Gah Sze Fei.. Me as a pengurus, sangat la berbangga n hepy atas pencapaian dorg ni..As far as i know N9 team tak penah la dpt achieved pencapaian sebaik ni,hihihihi....

Kt Perlis, we stayed at this homestay..i forgot the name but it was somewhere near to SMK Derma n Hospital Tuanku Fauziah. The house were fabulous but it do cost us lots of money.. For 8 days it costed us almost 7K...Giler aiiihhhh!! Disebabkan aku yg pegang duit, aku pun jadilah akauntan tak bertauliah, but thankfully our money cukup2 je..tu pun still manage to belanja all of our players,heheeh..Alhamdulillah.

Masa g meeting, all the PT busy asking for the next year tournament and guess what Srawak had volunteer...Aiiiihhhh...i wanna go again, but next time nk g atas tiket ape plak??? But my PT said i can go if i become the Setiausaha Badminton MSSMNS. Probably Kak Muniroh, the former setiausaha akan pindah ke SP and i was the next candidate..Horaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Seriusly nk pegi la sbb i rase best and enjoy sgt,hehehe..Bdk2 pun rapat n they all keep on asking whether i would be around or not next year,hehehe....Hopefully dapatla pegi...And i dh send names tuk pergi kursus jadi Empire...Sangat pelik kn, suddenly i became a fan of Badminton..Kalo sblm ni, haram aku nk tgk badminton,hehehhe...Even DLCW maen pun aku buat dek je,tp skang aku yg smgt lebey2,hehehehe... I fall in love with Badminton and untuk long planning i want all my children to get involved in this game too,hehehe...Kalo nk yg cmtu kene kawen ngan coach badminton la kn,ahaksssssssss,hehehee...(tuk sape yg paham je la,hihihi)

Kalo nk story mmg sgt panjang and i do not have the courage to do so since this evening i have to go back to Gemas..Yes..i got MC for 2 days,hehehehe...at least berbaloi la jugak g klinik semalam,pnat aku pujuk doc tu srh bg MC,hehehehe...

Well i do miss all the Negeri players..More than 2 weeks ngan dorg, and now rase rindu sgt ngan kegilaan dorg tu,hehehe....Hope to see them again...

TO ALL N9 PlAYERS... i do miss all of u..Ah Loh, Ah Onn, Ah Be, JAck, Fai Yin, Dinesh, Thaswani, Jia lin, Bella, Aini, Su Zhi, Tashan, Razlan, Choo, Abu, Thanesh, Jeevan, Sylvia, Yong Heng, Jazzlyn, An Chee, Cynthia, Jai Huo, Tava, Ah Fei, Wai Jun, Ah Tak, Qi Xuan, Batma, Saarbes, Kelly, and Kisona.... I do hope to see all of u next year!!!!hehehee....

so, pic mmg byk..layan je la gambar....

Negeri Sembilan Team 2009

Big Boss (PT N9) n Chief Coach

us with the winners

aina, bella(adek Zakry Latiff), me n Su Zhi..

me and Kisona

They all rock my world !!!

Wai jun>> kapten cheer..mmg sesuai pun,heheheh

all the pengurus yg sehati sejiwa and sporting abis,hehehe..

lunch at pizza hut

kt tepi Dewan Wawasan, Kangar

me and bella again.
seriusly byk gile gambar kitorg berdua,hehehe

silver medals..smpat snap yg ni je..hehehe

p/s : if u all perasan, bj pegawai tiap ari sumer same..yes,tiap ari we all dpt bj sponsor,heheheh...bkn takat bj, kasut pun dapat n mcm2 lg la,hehhe

p/s : Banyak lg gambr, x larat nk upload byk,hehehe....

p/s : Ade gosip melanda n sesungguhnya aku x bermaksud ape2,hehehe..i just buat lawak n Bella yg spread kn that gosip..Smpai arini believe me, nothin happened,,hehehe

p/s : me n him dh ok..Yeeaaaaa!!!!.. i love himm very muchh.. B, thank u sbb being so understanding,hehehehe...........

i need to pack my things...Gosh, i hate Gemas!!!!!!!!!!!
please and please pray for my happiness there.. Can't wait till end of this year..Serius i nk pindah blk Seremban..huhuhu...

till then

take off with love
illham shiraz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

yup..just arrived yesterday evening from Perlis....I'm stressed out, the journey really killed me.. Eventhough aku dh slaloo travel from Seremben to north, but this time around it's really different, maybe bcoz we all travel by bus kot.. Kalo my dad less than 6 hours mesti dh smpai Sban dh..

Btw, our kontinjen won 2 gold and 2 silver....HOOOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!..hehehe.. x sia2 aku menjaga anak2 yg ramai tuh,hehehe...

I'll update more, the story and the picture..rite now nk kemas brg2 dulu kay..

note: i've noticed somethin..I've changed a bit since i arrived in Perlis..i don't know why..it's bout me n him..i bet it's not gonna be a good one...

till then

take off with love
illham shiraz

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Perlis here i come!!!!!!!!!


Well, lame jugak aku x update pape kt sini..Tp tak kesah la kn,aku rase blog aku ni pun bukan ade followers, aku update ke, x update ke, xde bezanye,hehehhe..Aku memblog ni pun sbb suke2 je,heheheh....

Lately ni mcm2 jadi..x larat la kalo nk di story kn kt sini...

Skang ni aku kt umah..Actually mmg sepatutnye aku kt umah this week sbb aku terlibat ngan Kejohanan Olahraga MSSMNS kt Stadium Paroi..Tapi last minit, aku "diarahkan" oleh org atasan aku tuk jadi Pengurus Pasukan Badminton Negeri Sembilan tuk peringkat Kebangsaan... Cis, gile ape kn, aku ni br posting sehari dua dh jadi Pengurus Negeri..Orang besar tuh!!!! hahahahaa..Perasan siot!!! Bkn jd org besar, jadi org kecil ade lah...So disbbkan tu, semggu ni aku kt umah la sbb latihan pusat buat kt Seremban..Kire advantage la kt aku yg mmg org Seremban nih,hehehe.. This saturday, 14 Mac i'm going to Perlis for the Kejohanan...

Sadly, i'm not gonna be at Majlis Tunang Kak E.. Sedey la jugak, coz supposely all my cousins will be there (specially yg ladies la)..Turn out most of us x dpt dtg sbb mcm2 hal.. Kurang la sesi bergambar nnti..n yg penting kurang la muke aku nnti kt dlm slide show mase wedding Kak E,hahahahaha....

Ni aku nk story,aku ni lame x onlione sbb streamyx aku problem..Aku pun x paham pesal...Stakat ni streamyx aku x penah problem pun,just lepas ujan lebat aritu, line fon umah aku rosak,trus line streamyx pun ngok..Aku rase modem aku problem, ni aku gune modem wireless, tu pun berzaman2 aku try, ni br dapat..lepas berpuluh kali aku reset modem ni... Mmg tiap mlm aku angin la,try2 internet, cmtu gak, siot je...last2 shut down,aku tido..hehehe..
Tp kes aku ni x la seteruk kes sorg blogger ni,iskandar khazimin..Kalo aku jd die pun aku dh bom dh TM kot..Ape yg aku tau, streamyx die slaloo problem, n service Tm mmg suck..yg tu mmg aku percaya la,service mmg slaloo cmtu..Aku ni pun x tau la nk settlekn hal modem aku ni cmne...tggu la aku pk sehari dua lagi,heheheh...

Eh, mesti tertanye2 kn.." Ape sebenanye tugas seorg Pengurus Pasukan??"

So, ni la tugas aku sepanjang menjadi pengurus pasukan..Setakat ni aku dh jadi Pengurus tuk pasukan Sekolah, Daerah n yang terbaru Negeri..
Basically keje yg paling remeh is menyiapkan Borang Pendaftaran Pemain (M01 n R0) Nak siapkan borang ni adalah sangat leceh n merumitkan sbb mcm peringkat negeri ni, each player are from different daerah n school..The problem is each borang need to be sign by their Pengetua..bkn sng nk suruh bdk2 ni mintak sain pengetua..Nk kene hambat sekor2 br depa nk buat, dh tu berpuluh kali bg arahan, x penahnye nk paham..Tu la yg jd masalah bile kite deal ngan bdk2 sekolah ni..Ragamnye bermacam2,hehehe..

Besides that, Pengurus ni kene uruskan makanan, elaun, pakain kontinjen n kebajikan pelajar..Mcm skang ni aku tgh sebok mengira bj2 kontinjen aku, bj tuk pemain n pegawai2..Bilik aku ni dh jd mcm gudang stor,tu x masuk lg beg, kasut, beg raket n mcm2 lagi la....Actually ni secara random la, tp yg sebenarnye mmg bermacam2..Tambah lagi ngan kerenah n ragam bdk2, lg la x larat..Kadang2 tu mmg aku rase nk marah, tp aku mcm dh x larat nk marah, sbb bile marah, nnti aku balik yg pressure,aku bkn suke pressure2 ni, " Hidup mesti enjoy"heheheh..

Kayla, aku nk menanda buku la..Sekotak buku latihan bdk2 aku bawak balik sbb x bertanda,heheh..Ni la hasilnye bile jd Cikgu Math..Tiap kali masuk kelas, bg homework x sedar dunia, pastu sendiri yg x larat nk tanda,hehehe...

till then...

take off with love,
illham shiraz