Saturday, November 29, 2008

saturday 29 november

i woke up today at 8.20 am, tu pun sbb fon umah ku berbunyi, sape la yg call pg2 buta ni, aku pun dgn mlsnye bgn nk g ambik la, suddenly br aku teringat, hari ni kn saturday, my mom ade kt umah, so biarla die yg angkat fon tu, lgpun of course la tuk die kn, so aku batalkan hasrat tuk bgn, n smbg blk tido,hahahhaa..teruk btl kan anak dara sorg ni,hehhe..aku pun guling2 la, dgn hajatnye nk tido blk, dlm 15 minit aku dok dlm selimut, x jugak dpt tido, aku pun bgn la.. rupenye yg call td my uncle, bg information terbaru pasal my uncle yg laen..

so here the story, actually my pak usu was admitted to hospital last night, katenye ade batu kt hempedu, so nk buat laser la, tp aku x comfirm plak bile.. Well, he just got back from london a few days ago, n ape yg aku dgr, mase kt london pun die admitted kt hospital, so my busu had to drive all the way to a few school there for my cousin pre test admission for her A level while my uncle still in the hospital ( i guess la, coz not really sure bout the education system in UK) gosh..ape pun, hope he's alright n gettin better..

Then about my another uncle, my anjang, he's coming back from Riyadh this morning, and actually aku dh dgr die sakit lame dh, since raya aritu, but he keep on denied it.. Mase raye aritu my alang and busu had asked him to came back to malaysia instead of fly all his children to riyadh, ye la kn ms tu die dh start skt, so blk raye and buat further check up, tp he insist ckp xde pape, nothin to worry, and this time anjang blk jugak, kate my mom dh semggu x dpt tido mlm, and he got a few issues yg nk di settelkn kt sini, and i hope one of them is mine, hahahahah.. kalo anjang still igt la kn,hehehe..btw,he should be worried bout his health, sbb my family ni ade sejarah skt jantung.. x sanggup rasenye nk tgk sorg lg my uncle msk ijn buat by pass, adoi,dh byk kali sgt g ijn tu tgk uncle2 aku buat by pass..

picture of anjang with umaira' (his first cucu)

I rase raye haji tahun ni meriah la agaknye, since my anjang pun dh blk, my busu, udo my cousin yg kt yemen tu probably x jd g buat haji taun ni, atas sbb2 yg x dpt dielakkan di saat2 terakhir.. after all semua yg berlaku tu ade hikmahnye and myb it's the best for all of us..

by then, praying for my family moga semuanya dipanjangkan umur dan dilindungi dr segala bencana n sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki, insyaAllah.

take off with love,
illham shiraz

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